Resources To Equip And Encourage You And Others

Included are a number of items that will help you grow personally. There are also instructions for events and sample ads used at NC State in the student newspaper. If you are from another university feel free to use these for inspiration or adapt them for your school.

Links To Available Online Resources

Welcome to the Resource Kit

Click on any of the images below to open a FREE pdf download. Some include links to websites and email resources. Other are “How To’s” for telling your story, leading studies, or hosting events. All are designed for use by and with Christian faculty. They are yours to use. Take them. Improve them. Share them with others. We will update and add new “tools” as they become available.
Carolina Connection – A monthly Zoom meeting for faculty and staff in NC and SC.
The Meet The Prof website and the weekly Missional Moments are two great resources.
How to prepare your story in three minutes – a two page training aid and worksheet.
How to lead “A Grander Story” Bible study to help ground a person’s identity in Christ 
How to organize and lead a weekly faculty Bible study using Zoom or even in person.
How to sponsor and host a Faculty Appreciation Dinner – includes sample materials.
How to organize a Faculty Prayer Breakfast – includes sample materials.
Details and examples for putting together a strategy to welcome new faculty to your campus.
Creating a movement of gratitude to meet professors in an encouraging manner.
Sample of an Easter ad to run in the university student newspaper.
Sample of a Welcome ad to run in the university student newspaper.
Sample Thanksgiving/Christmas ad to run in the university student newspaper.