Strike A Match Of Support
Now through the end of September 2024, a generous Faculty Commons donor will match every dollar you donate up to $2,500. You can make an eternal impact. Every dollar you contribute helps underwrite reaching more people for Christ and helping Christian professors use their influence on campus for Christ. Your giving will go directly into Christian Faculty/Staff Network ministry projects and a tax-deductible receipt will be provided. Any amount you contribute is greatly appreciated and will help make a difference! All donations are handled through our partnership with Faculty Commons, a ministry of Cru, and your gifts go directly to our CFSN account for use at NC State University.
Your Gifts Automatically Doubled
Give $100 – $200 Invested
Give $250 – $500 Invested
Give $500 – $1,000 Invested
Give $1000 – $2,000 Invested
Give $2,500 – $5,000 Invested