Weekly Bible Studies

Grad Study

Grad Student Study

Meeting Weekly
Sunday nights at 6:30 pm
Hosted in the home of Mike and Sharon Mehaffie.
1912 Myron Drive
Raleigh, NC 27607
For details contact:
Micaela Robson
Nick Garcia

Gathering weekly for Bible study is one of the ways we build community which is important while navigating the challenges of grad school.

Faculty Studies

Women’s Bible Study

Various studies in the Word will pick-up again in the Fall
This study meets on Wednesdays from noon to 1 pm.
It begins on September 4 after Labor Day.
It is facilitated by Sharon Mehaffie.
Zoom link: https://staffweb.zoom.us/j/94346887854?pwd=VllESUg0UjNrd2EvZUFNdEdKRHlDZz09
For more info contact: Sharon.Mehaffie@facultycommons.org

Monday Bible Study

The Book of Romans 
Mondays from noon to 1 pm. (no mtg. Labor Day, Fall Break, or Thanksgiving  week)
This study is facilitated by Mike Mehaffie.
Zoom link: https://staffweb.zoom.us/j/91262073987?pwd=R1d0bTRJZUhJeVEvTEtXc0ZuT2k0QT09
For more info contact: michael.mehaffie@cru.org

Tuesday Bible Study

The Book of Romans 
Tuesdays from noon to 1 pm. (no mtg. Fall Break, or Thanksgiving  week)
(Please note: We WILL meet on September 3 after Labor Day)
This study is facilitated by Mark Palmer.
Zoom link: https://staffweb.zoom.us/j/98539088044?pwd=UzZZa3krNWhMSEo2Y3g4Vm8rV3JGQT09
For more info contact: Mark.Palmer@facultycommons.org

University professors have a unique lifestyle with specific challenges. One of the big challenges is time, which is why all of our faculty Bible studies meet via Zoom for one hour over lunch. Even though remote, we are thankful that processing life together in  God’s word is a rewarding and rich experience.