Who We Are

We are a group of faculty and staff who are united in our discovery and experience that Jesus Christ provides intellectually and spiritually satisfying answers to life’s most important questions.

We enjoy looking for ways to encourage each other and others as we work and serve at NC State.

It is a privilege to be associated with so many varied and distinguished colleagues.



What We Do

We help connect faculty and staff while also being a resource to interested students

The university setting is a great place to be exposed to various philosophies. We believe that the teachings of Christ not only provide spiritual direction, but are also compelling intellectually. We encourage everyone to fully engage their minds in the pursuit of knowledge.

Weekly Bible Studies

One of the ways we connect with faculty and staff is through weekly Bible studies via Zoom.

Upcoming Events

We sponsor various gatherings to make new friends, share information, and engage.

Appreciation Dinner

Honoring outstanding faculty regardless of beliefs is one way we benefit others.

Grad Students

We encourage grad students in their faith and include them in our events.

Common Call Conf

Our yearly conference encourages and equips faculty, staff, and grad students.

New Faculty Gifts

We enjoy welcoming new faculty to the university and being a resource to them.


We care. Praying for our campus and each other is one of the best things we do.

Technician Ads

Our Christmas, Easter and Welcome to NC State ads in the Technician speak volumes.

Make The Connection

Join With Us

Maybe you would like to know more about the person of Jesus Christ. Maybe you need a fresh perspective on what it means to be a Christian. Perhaps, like many, you want to connect with other followers of Christ who serve in the university setting. We welcome you and we have many resources to help you, regardless of your interest. Click the button below to send us an email, we look forward to getting in touch.

A Heart for God

One thing we ask of all who join us is to read and agree with the Apostles’ Creed. Although we are composed of many denominational backgrounds, we hold fast to the basics of Christianity.